Sub Micron Tooling is a world-wide operating company based in the south of The Netherlands. SMT is specialised in diamond tooling and the repair (relap) of diamond tools. Although the company is relatively young, as being
founded in 1995, it combines over 40 years of experience with innovation and the newest technologies.
Industrial applications, such as:
- Contact lenses, I.O.L. intra oculair lenses
- Rotogravure printing industry
- Electro optics (camera lenses, scanners, polygones, LED, diffractives, Fresnel optics)
- Laser optics
- Aerospace
- Medical (protheses, surgery knives)
- Fiber optics (cleavers)
- Mechanical engraving
- Displays (LCD panels, SIM displays etc)
- Automotive
- Opthalmic lenses, spectacles